Zhongwo has been awarded the ISO9001 qualification certificate.
Zhongwo carries out strict quality control system which ranges from raw material purchasing via production process to test&examination before delivery.
All of our raw materials suppliers must have relevant industrial certification. Besides, we will give marks every year for our suppliers, anyone who can not reach our standard will be forbidden to enter our suppliers resources in next 3-5 years.
We set specialized QC Dep. to make sure every step in production can be in top quality. Our colleague of QC Dep. will test every process during execution of each order. Once any mistake is tested, the relevant process has to be repeated and adjusted. And the responsible staff will be punished according to the severity of the mistake.
Quality Control in Assembly
Besides, we ensure our excellent quality of fire doors through introducing in different kinds of advanced producing and testing equipment such as LDS-10 compression and bending resistance universal testing machine, GDYQ-201MA test equipment of formaldehyde emission, 1.5*2.5(m) calibration platform, LTZ-200 tubular gauge and FHM-II(W2.1X H2.7m) test device of fire door reliability.